** This incentive is paused whilst we review automation, costs, website options and benefits. Total online sales via our website up to January 18th 2025 have had trees planted. The text below is left for reference. For the time being, trees will not be planted for online sales **
We're excited to announce that for all online sales from the 25th November 2022 onwards (Colour Friday / Black Friday), we'll pay to plant at least 1 tree.
This is an ongoing commitment, and unless the costs of doing this rises very dramatically we have no plans to stop!
We know this is only a start, and we'll keep on reviewing it to see if we can do more.
Why are we doing it?
I recently completed a Small Business Sustainability Programme, and this got me looking further into what I can do to lower our impact on the environment. I've been changing more light bulbs in the shop to low energy (they're pretty much all low energy now, only a few that very rarely get used that makes me question if it's better to wait for them to stop working rather than replace). We've always reused as much packaging for online orders, and also offered packaging and boxes to local businesses for their online orders too. If there is cardboard that we can't reuse, then we pay for it to be recycled.
Looking at the different options for businesses to plant trees/offset emissions starts to get complex. At the moment I feel Ecologi offers me the most practical way to start - and I believe it's better to at least start doing something, than to let more time pass whilst I research more options.
How will the trees get added?
At the moment, I haven't yet worked out a way for the tree to get automatically paid for on each sale, so I will be paying for at least 1 tree to planted on each online sale after I've had a few sales. By picking a start date (25/11/2022), it's easy for me to keep an eye and make sure I pay for at least 1 tree to be planted.
I have purchased quite a few trees in advance to cover online sales in the near future, and will continue to monitor this. You might therefore notice that the number of trees planted doesn't go up initially, as these trees have been purchased in advance on your behalf.
In the future I hope to make it an automatic process as I've noticed some other online shops doing this.
Want to help us plant more trees?
If you want to sign up to Ecologi, then please CLICK HERE, by using this link Ecologi will pay for an additional 30 trees to be planted.
We're excited to announce that for all online sales from the 25th November 2022 onwards (Colour Friday / Black Friday), we'll pay to plant at least 1 tree.
This is an ongoing commitment, and unless the costs of doing this rises very dramatically we have no plans to stop!
We know this is only a start, and we'll keep on reviewing it to see if we can do more.
Why are we doing it?
I recently completed a Small Business Sustainability Programme, and this got me looking further into what I can do to lower our impact on the environment. I've been changing more light bulbs in the shop to low energy (they're pretty much all low energy now, only a few that very rarely get used that makes me question if it's better to wait for them to stop working rather than replace). We've always reused as much packaging for online orders, and also offered packaging and boxes to local businesses for their online orders too. If there is cardboard that we can't reuse, then we pay for it to be recycled.
Looking at the different options for businesses to plant trees/offset emissions starts to get complex. At the moment I feel Ecologi offers me the most practical way to start - and I believe it's better to at least start doing something, than to let more time pass whilst I research more options.
How will the trees get added?
At the moment, I haven't yet worked out a way for the tree to get automatically paid for on each sale, so I will be paying for at least 1 tree to planted on each online sale after I've had a few sales. By picking a start date (25/11/2022), it's easy for me to keep an eye and make sure I pay for at least 1 tree to be planted.
I have purchased quite a few trees in advance to cover online sales in the near future, and will continue to monitor this. You might therefore notice that the number of trees planted doesn't go up initially, as these trees have been purchased in advance on your behalf.
In the future I hope to make it an automatic process as I've noticed some other online shops doing this.
Want to help us plant more trees?
If you want to sign up to Ecologi, then please CLICK HERE, by using this link Ecologi will pay for an additional 30 trees to be planted.